Sunday, September 18, 2011

Blog Post #3


Criteria are standards that you compare the item in question to. Criteria can be designated in many ways. Each item produced has criteria it has to pass in order to be sold. Written documents need to contain enough information to pass through an editing session.
-Are there references that have credibility back them?
-Is the study valid? Did they use ethic methods for measuring and analyzing data?
-Read the graphs, the headings, figure captions, and see if it makes sense. Do a quick search to see if they match to other reliable sources.
-Does the hypothesis match the findings and make sense?

An example of no truthful information from the article titled: Environmental effects of increased atmosphere carbon dioxide:
The Number of Tornados in US is Decreasing: not truthful

Source: The Weather Channel
> Tornadoes so far in 2011 (Dr. Forbes' preliminary count): 1,243
> Average number of tornadoes in a single year during the past decade: 1,293 
> Highest recorded number of tornadoes in a single year: 1,819, in 2003

Friday, September 16, 2011

Blog Post #1

Professional Development Plan

o   What should be in a PDP for this class?
§  Where are you now in your life?
§  Where do you want to be?
§  Objectives
§  Mission
§  Long Term Goals
§  Strategy
§  Enduring (Values)
§  Organization
§  Skills list